Several decades of experimental studies have demonstrated that a variety of small polar molecules show coverage dependent changes in the spectral response of their intramolecular vibrations — center frequencies, intensities and line widths shift — when adsorbed on metal surfaces in ultra high vacuum. These trends have been quantitatively understood as the result of dipole/dipole coupling. A similar phenomena, the so-called, electrochemical vibrational stark effect, is well know in electrochemistry: here the center frequencies, intensities and line widths of small polar molecular adsorbates shift on application of bias. However, within the (spectro)electrochemical community such bias dependent changes have been interpreted almost universally to result from changes in adsorbate structure or surface chemistry.  In a paper just accepted for publication in Surface Science Gregor and Yujin have shown that dipole/dipole interaction must be quantitatively accounted for in understanding the stark effect at electrochemical interfaces before any insight into adsorbate structure of reactivity can be gleaned.